By-laws and Policies
The Municipal Act requires the Township to exercise its powers by By-Law. By-Laws are the primary legislative instrument of municipalities in Ontario, including Township of South-West Oxford. The Township Council makes decisions by adopting or amending recommendations from its committees and Township officials contained in reports and communications.
These decisions are confirmed by a Confirmatory By-Law enacted at the end of the meeting. This ensures that every decision is made by By-Law. Some decisions are also the subject of a more specific By-Law. These By-Laws provide for greater clarity and certainty, and for ease of reference.
A By-Law is the legal instrument that Township Council uses to exercise its powers, and it becomes effective on the date it is enacted unless it specifies otherwise. If you have any questions about a Township By-Law or would like to receive a copy of a By-Law in an alternate format, or require any assistance in locating a By-Law, please submit your request to the Clerk's Office.
By-Law Enforcement
Committed to being a leader in the development and delivery of municipal services for the growth and well-being of the community, the Township By-law Enforcement Officer conducts enforcement of various municipal By-Laws. Responding to complaints, the By-law Enforcement Officer attempts to obtain compliance and resolution through education and mediation. Fines and legal action may result in circumstances where compliance remains outstanding and resolution is not achieved.
Depending on the nature of your inquiry or complaint, you may be required to provide your name and contact information so that the By-law Enforcement Officer can effectively handle the issue and follow up with you as required. A Formal Complaint means a complaint received by Staff wherein the complainant provides their full name, address, and phone number that can be verified by the Investigator, and the nature of complaint in writing using the required form over the telephone, in person, or via email.
Submit a By-law Complaint Online.
By-Law Exemption Requests
Notwithstanding anything contained in a specific By-Law, any person may make an application to Council to be granted an exemption from any of the provisions of a By-Law, and Council may refuse to grant any exemption or may grant the exemption which may contain such terms and conditions as Council sees fit.
Common By-laws:
Animal Care and Control |
By-Law: 76-2017 All regulations pertaining to animal care and control are detailed in By-law 76-2017. Regulations pertaining to noise are outlined in Noise By-law 49-2021 - Section 2.1 as it relates to barking, calling, or whining of any domestic pet. Violating this By-Law could result in a fine of $250. In addition, dogs require a leash at all times when walking off of your property. Owners shall not permit their dogs to wander (Running at Large) on public land, municipal properties, trails etc. This may result in a $300 fine. All excrement must be picked up. Failure to do so could result in a fine of $155. Part 7 details the general provisions regarding the keeping of animals. As outlined in provision 7.1, no person shall, within the Township of South-West Oxford, keep any animal except those permitted in accordance with the following: a) Maximum of three (3) dogs per dwelling unit; b) Maximum of three (3) cats per dwelling unit. The Township eliminated dog tags in 2022. It is recommended that pet owners obtain ID tags or microchips as alternative means of identification. The Township has contracted Hillside Kennels to provide Animal Control Services. To contact them directly, please phone call 519-469-3247. |
Clean Yards (Yard and Lot Maintenance) |
By-law: 48-2021 The purpose of the Clean Yards (Yard and Lot Maintenance) By-law is to keep all properties pest free, aesthetically consistent, the communities beautiful, and property values high. In order to maintain this consistency, and with regards to safety and appearance, grass and weeds must be maintained at a height less than 8 inches. Further, properties shall be free from industrial and domestic wastes, unlicensed motorized vehicles, vehicle parts, construction materials, and excessive brush. The process for inspection and enforcement is as follows:
If found to be in contravention of this By-Law, a fine of up to $350 may apply. |
Fires (Open-Air Burning) |
By-Law: 29-2023 Pursuant with the terms of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, a municipal Council is authorized to enact By-Laws to regulate the setting of open-air fires. Concerned with prevention of fires in the municipality, and the removal of fire hazards, Council enacted By-law 29-2023 to regulate and control open-air burning. Saving money for the municipality and the taxpayer, the open-air burning permitting system is designed to prevent fires and reduce unnecessary response by emergency services to controlled fires. A Burn Permit is required for all open air-burning within the boundaries of the Township of South-West Oxford. |
Fireworks |
By-law: 11-2023 Section 121 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended provides that a local municipality may prohibit and regulate the sale of fireworks and the setting off of fireworks, and further that a by-law may prohibit those activities unless a permit is obtained for those activities and may impose conditions for obtaining, continuing to hold and renewing the permit, including requiring the submission of plans. Section 7.1(1) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 4, as amended provides that a council of a municipality may pass by-laws regulating fire prevention, including the prevention of spreading fires. Council approved By-law 10-2009 to regulate the sale, display and discharge of fireworks within the Township in September, 2009. Upon receiving and reviewing feedback, Council considered changes and enacted the current By-law, No. 11-2023 on February 21, 2023. The following general provisions must be adhered to:
Fireworks Displays and Consumer Fireworks:
Please review the By-law for a complete list of provisions. |
Noise |
By-law: 49-2021 The purpose of the Noise By-Law is to reduce common noises that may be likely to disturb inhabitants of South-West Oxford. The Noise By-law outlines what noises are allowed in relation to zones, time of day, and day of the week. Some of the many noises likely to disturb are: electronic/amplified sound, idling vehicles, revving engines, lawn mowers, trimmers, chain saws, construction equipment, yelling, shouting, dog barking, etc. For more specifics, please review the By-Law to ensure that you are not creating noise that is in contravention. |
Property Standards |
By-law: 45-2023 The Township of South-West Oxford has a Property Standards By-Law to ensure that property owners maintain their properties with respect to the structure, electrical, plumbing, fencing, lighting, doors and windows, and pests. The purpose of the By-Law is to protect the occupants and general public from all health and safety concerns. Both the Ontario Building Code and the Property Standards By-Law authorizes a By-law Enforcement Officer or designate to inspect properties, note all identified contraventions, issue an Order to Comply, and reinspect to ensure that the work has been completed. For more information about landlord and tenant rights, please contact: Landlord and Tenant Board Ontario. |
Rates, Fees and Charges |
User Rates and Fees By-law: 55-2024 (effective July 9, 2024) Building Permit Fees: 67-2022 (as amended by 12-2023) and Fee Schedule Oxford County Fees and Charges (set by the County - effective January 1, 2024) |
Recreational Vehicles (RV Parking) |
By-law: 25-98 - Section 6.29 - Storage or Parking of Recreational Vehicles in Residential Zones From November 1st to May 1st, recreational vehicles in residential zones may only be parked:
Please note: as per By-law No. 25-98, no recreational vehicle can be used for human habitation at any time, without a permit issued by the Township. To apply for a permit, please complete a By-law Exemption Request form. |
Road Protection |
By-law: 12-2011 This is a reminder to all residents that depositing leaves and snow from private property onto a public roadway is dangerous and in contravention of the Road Protection By-law 12-2011. Pushing or placing any leaves, snow, ice, or any other obstruction of a roadway is an offence that carries a Provincial Offences Fine of $105.00. Reduced Load (1/2 Load) Period on Designated Township Roads, By-law: 14-82 |
Signs |
By-law: 13-2022 The use of signs is regulated to specific land use zones of Zoning By-law 25-98 (refer to Zoning section below), as amended. No sign shall be permitted on a property except as permitted in this By-law. No person shall erect, display, repair or cause to be erected, displayed, altered or repaired a sign in the Township unless a sign permit has been issued by the Chief Building Official or their designate. Signs must comply with the Building Code and Canadian Code of Advertising Standards. Sign permits are applied for in the same manner as a Building Permit. Apply for a permit online via Cloudpermit. No sign shall be permitted on a building or property which does not comply with the Property Standards By-law (see section above). Displaying a sign without a permit may result in a fine of up to $300.00 as per provision 6.1(a). |
Swimming Pools and Fences |
By-law: 62-2019 Swimming Pools All pools in the Township require a Building Permit from the Township Building Department. Click here to apply for a Building Permit. Every owner of a privately-owned swimming pool (as defined in the By-law) which contains 12" or more of water at any given section shall erect and maintain a non-climbable fence or enclosure which shall comply with the following:
Above-ground pools over 4 feet above grade where entrance to the pool is by a ladder or steps: only the ladder must be unclosed unless any portion of pool equipment, walls, etc. is climbable. Fences
Please contact the Building Department for additional information, if required. |
Trees |
By-law: 12-2018 The planting, inspection, maintenance, protection and removal of all public trees shall be under the supervision and authorization of the Township's Public Works Superintendent. Section 4 details specific regulations regarding highways and adjacent properties. It is important to note:
Water Use Restrictions (Oxford County) |
By-law: 4193-2002 This By-law was established to regulate the external use of water by residential, commercial and industrial properties served by County of Oxford owned water systems. For more information about water and wastewater, please visit their website or contact Oxford County Public Works: 1-800-755-0394 (M-F 8:30-4:30). |
Winter Parking |
By-law: 50-2011 Winter parking restrictions is enforced starting November 15th until March 31st each year, in accordance with By-law 50-2011. For snow removal purposes, parking is not permitted on any road or street from 1:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. 7 days a week during this period. Any vehicle owner found in violation of this By-Law could be fined or have their vehicle removed/towed at the owner's expense. The set fine for this violation is $50. |
Zoning (Note: consolidated version as of December 31, 2018) |
By-law: 25-98 (note: consolidated version as of December 31, 2018) The provisions and schedules of this By-Law control the use of land in the Area Municipality. The Township of South-West Oxford Zoning By-Law controls the use of land by dividing the municipality into different land use zones with detailed maps specifying the uses permitted in each zone, specifying where buildings and other structures can be located, stating the types of buildings that are permitted, and how they may be used as well as specifying lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights, and setbacks from the street. For questions about your property's land use zone, please contact the Clerk. |
Historic By-laws
Historic by-laws provide a glimpse into the history of various townships within Oxford County prior to restructuring (1850-1975). The Archives' collection currently includes by-laws for Dereham Township, unfortunately there are no records for West Oxford. To view the archived by-laws online, visit the Oxford County Archives website.
Corporate Policies
While By-Laws provide the legislative authority for the municipality to exercise its powers, various municipal corporate policies and procedures work to support By-Laws by providing clarifying regulation and direction to staff. The Township of South-West Oxford is committed to being the leader in the delivery of municipal services for the growth and well-being of the community and have developed policies to help the municipality strategically reach this goal.
The Township of South-West Oxford will provide, on request, information about our policies in an accessible format or with communication supports to people with disabilities, in a manner that takes into account their disability. For more information, please contact the Clerk by email or phone (519-485-0477).
Flag Policy |
Council approved the Township's new Flag Policy on April 16, 2024. The purpose of this policy is to establish clear guidelines to govern the flag(s) that will be raised, displayed, and half-masted on township-owned properties to ensure Township practices are exercised consistently and appropriately. View and Print a Copy of the Flag Policy
Organizations may request a maximum of one Flag raising within one calendar year (January 1 to December 31). If approved by the CAO, the Clerk’s office will notify the organization and Township customer service of the approval request…including the duration. It is the responsibility of the requesting organization to provide the appropriate Flag to the Township at least one week before the Flag raising. All flags presented to be flown shall be maintained in good condition and repaired or replaced at any sign of damage or major discolouration by the group requesting the raising. |
Municipal Alcohol Policy |
Council approved the Township's new Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP) on February 20, 2024. The Township is committed to promoting a safe, enjoyable environment and ensure the health and safety of participants, volunteers and staff. The MAP is in place to reduce alcohol-related incidents such as injury, violence, property damage and liability which may arise from alcohol consumption on municipal property. This policy applies to all municipally-owned facilities and Township property. View and print the new Policy and the Agreement and Checklist for Renters (Appendix 'A') |
Accessibility Policies |
For policies related to accessibility, please visit the Accessibility page on our website. Alternative formats are available upon request to the Clerk via phone (519-485-0477 ext. 7023), email or in-person at our Municipal Office (address below). |