Garbage and Recycling
Local waste management is provided by the Township of South-West Oxford in partnership with Oxford County.
South-West Oxford has a six-business-day garbage and recycling collection cycle. The pilot project reduces the cost and environmental impact of curbside collection, since the six day collection is expected to save over $72,000 per year while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 41%.
Oxford County’s Waste Management Facility (Landfill) is a one-stop shop for residents and businesses in Oxford County to dispose of their garbage and recycling. Play the video to take a virtual tour of the facility to see how it operates, and what kind of materials you can bring for disposal.
Guidelines for Waste Collection
Make sure to set out your garbage and recycling by 7:00 a.m. on the morning of your pick-up. Place the garbage bag(s) beside the curb, making sure they are clearly visible. Please note that, due to weather conditions, pick-up times may vary.
Ensure a bag tag is attached to each garbage bag. The County of Oxford uses a ‘bag tag’ system which is designed to encourage reducing, recycling, and re-using. In a user-pay system, residents only pay for the waste they generate rather than sharing or distributing the costs of curbside collection as part of the County’s tax levy. The cost is $2.00 per garbage bag tag, and tags are available for purchase at local stores and the Township Office. There is no tax or mark-up on bag tags, although some vendors may charge a minimum sale fee for debit or credit purchases. There is also no minimum requirement for purchase.
Place your bag tag around the neck of the garbage bag, sticking the ends of the tag to one another. This will help prevent the tags coming off in wet or cold conditions.
Film Plastic Collection Pilot Program in Beachville
A collection bin for plastic film is now available in Beachville at the Beachville Fire Hall (434696 West Hill Road). Residents are invited to drop off their film plastic, which will be periodically brought to the Oxford County Waste Management Facility by Township Staff for recycling. Please note that plastic film must be clean and dry, and bags must be empty. If this program is successful, we hope to expand it to other areas in the Township. For more information about this pilot program, please contact our Works Department at 519-485-0477 ext. 7060.
Containers Available for Purchase
The following recycling and waste-reduction containers are available to be purchased at the Township's Office during regular office hours:
Blue Boxes: 83 Litres (22 Gallon): $7/box (includes HST)
Blue Box Lids: $3/lid (includes HST and is sold separately)
Rain Barrels: $65.00 each (including HST)
Avoid wasting your local water source and start utilizing naturally recycled rain water. Our rain barrels are designed to withstand all of the spring, summer, and fall conditions and capture natural rain water for your gardening needs. Natural rain water is a wonderful source of water for your plants and, with a rain barrel, it becomes easy to capture and use.
Black Composters: $21.00 each (including HST)
Green Cones (Food Digesters): $53.00 each (including HST)
Green Cone Accelerator Powder (1 Included with Purchase of new Green Cone): $4.25 each
Composting is the process of breaking down organic material (yard and food waste) into a dark, nutrient-rich soil that can then be used to help your gardens and flower beds grow.
The Township sells two types of composters; an above ground composter with a 311 litre capacity or an underground composter called the Green Cone which is able to digest up to 1 kilogram of food waste every 1-2 days.
Stay Connected with Wasteline
To assist residents with the new six-business-day cycle, Wasteline tools will help you keep track of your garbage and recycling collection schedule. Use the ‘When’s my pickup?’ tool (located below) to sign up for automated reminders. You may also download the Wasteline mobile app onto your smart phone or tablet via Google Play or the Apple Store.
Search by address to confirm your next waste collection day and see what materials are being collected.
You can also:
- View, download, and print your collection calendar
- Sign up for weekly reminders (email, phone, or Twitter)
- Add a schedule to your personal calendar (iCal, Google Calendar, or Microsoft Outlook)