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Water and Wastewater Services

Municipal Water and Sewer

Municipal Water Services are available in the villages of Beachville (Loweville subdivision), Brownsville, Dereham Centre, Mount Elgin (including sewer), and Sweaburg. Water and sewage are handled by the Oxford County Public Works Department. They can be reached by phone at 519-539-9800. 

Private Wells

Information and records regarding private wells is maintained by the province of Ontario. View well record information from recorded wells.

Oxford County recommends that you test private well water at least three times a year for bacteria. Testing kits are available free of charge at our office. The County of Oxford does not add fluoride to municipal drinking water. However, some parts of the County have levels of naturally occurring fluoride above 1.5mg/L which can cause fluorosis. To ensure accurate results, water samples must be submitted the same day they are taken.

To locate a private well on your property, please visit:

Septic Systems

All septic systems in the Township require a Building Permit. Questions can be directed to Township Septic Inspector, Niels Dube: 226-232-6050 or

The Township may have a historical record of your septic system, provided that the property owner obtained a building permit at the time of installation. Please contact the Building Department for more information.

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