Fire Services
The South-West Oxford Fire and Emergency Services consists of 3 stations located in Brownsville, Mount Elgin, and Beachville that service a population of approximately 7,544 residents spanning across 370.48 square kilometres.
If you see a vehicle with a green flashing light, please move over to the right of the road to allow the vehicle to pass. The green flashing light means that a Volunteer Firefighter is responding to an emergency call.
If you require any Township emergency services information in an alternate format, please contact the Clerk’s office at 519-485-0477 ext. 7023 or via email.
Between the 3 stations (Brownsville, Mount Elgin and Beachville), the fire department responds to an average of 270 emergency calls per year in a variety of disciplines. These emergencies are responded to by our 60 paid-on-call members utilizing the 9 apparatus and a variety of specialized equipment. The foundation of the department's tasks is organized into operations, training, fire prevention, risk management, emergency management and administration aspects, which are all in place to support the delivery of critical fire suppression and emergency services.
The Fire Department is responsible for a wide range of activities. These include firefighting, and all categories of rescue matters, along with the handling and disposing of hazardous materials. Performing activities such as the removal of trapped victims from vehicles or a building may be required.
Our firefighters are also trained in advanced first aid and assist in the treatment and evacuation of individuals when required. Our fire personnel train on a continuous basis to ensure their ability to respond to emergencies with the Township and handle them in a fast and efficient manner is maintained.
Some of the Department’s other vital emergency and non-emergency services include:
- Technical Rescue (this includes vehicle rescue and hazardous material response to the awareness level);
- Fire Prevention and Public Education;
- Fire Investigation; and
- Mutual Aid response to neighbouring jurisdictions.
Burn Permits - By-law No. 58-2024
Permit Fees
- Fee: $50 for a lifetime permit, issued to the property owner.
- New permit only required if/when the property changes ownership.
- Permits no longer required for recreational fires (i.e., campfires).
- Special burn permit provisions remain in place - please contact the Fire Chief if your application does not meet the requirements of an agricultural/non-recreational or recreational permit.
- Fires must be located at least 30m (98.4') horizontally from any portion of a structure, vegetation, materials, or utilities.
- Fire must be located at least 150m (492.1') from any occupied building.
- Fires are not permitted between 1/2 hour before sunset and 1/2 hour after sunrise.
- Permit holders must phone fire dispatch at least 30 minutes prior to ignition on the date of burn.
- The Fire Chief reserves the right to revoke the permit at any time for failure to comply with the conditions and requirements outlined in the permit or the Open-Air Burning By-law - if the permit is revoked, the property owner must wait at least 60 days to be considered for a new permit.
- Zero tolerance approach to unauthorized burning and burning in contravention of the Township's By-law.
**New Fire Dispatch Phone Number: 519-842-2481**
Apply for a Permanent Burn Permit Online
Permit applications are also available at the Municipal Office. Applications may take up to 10 business days to process.
Open-air burning is regulated by the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 (Ontario Regulation 388/97). Article of the Act states (among other things) that, "Open Air Burning is not permitted unless approved…". By-law No. 58-2024, provides for the regulation and control of the setting of fires and the prevention of fire in the Township. Permits are required for non-recreational/agricultural open-air burning in the Township. When a proposed fire does not meet the requirements of a permit, the property owner may apply for a special permit, which is issued by the Fire Chief.
Don't forget to call at least 30 minutes before every burn: (519) 842-2481
Only property owners can apply. A tenant, worker or family member wishing to apply must call the Municipal Office (519) 485-0477 to provide verbal approval, or email with written approval.
Permits are not required for recreational burning (i.e., campfires).
An agricultural/non-recreational permit is a lifetime permit (one-time fee of $50.00) that meets the following criteria:
- New permit application or property has changed ownership
- Fires must be located at least 30 meters (98.4 feet) horizontally from any portion of a structure, vegetation, materials or utilities.
- Fires must be located at least 150 meters (492.1 feet) from any occupied building.
- Fires are not permitted between the hours of 1/2 hour before sunset, and 1/2 hour after sunrise.
- Telephone Fire Dispatch 519-842-2481 at least 30 minutes prior to ignition on the date of the burn.
- The Fire Chief reserves the right to revoke a permit at any time for failure to comply with the conditions and requirements outlined in the permit, or the Township's Open-Air Burning By-law. When a permit is revoked, the property owner/applicant will be required to wait at least 60 days before they can be considered for a new permit.
A special permit is a four-week period ($35 fee) that meets the following criteria:
- Does not meet the criteria of recreational burns and/or agricultural/non-recreational burn permits (i.e., for larger than permitted piles, demolition, special circumstances).
- Burning outside of a settlement area/rural cluster.
- Site visit required by Chief Fire Official or designate.
- Burns shall be located at least 30 meters (98.4 feet) from any combustible structure, vegetation, materials or public utility.
- Burning during daylight hours only, fire must be completely extinguished 1/2 hour before sunset to 1/2 hour after sunrise unless otherwise authorized by the Chief Fire Official in which case the burn will be supervised until completely extinguished.
- Burning only approved materials as noted in the inspection.
All conditions and special conditions listed on the permit shall be strictly adhered to.
The fire must always be supervised, not left abandoned, and extinguishment must be confirmed before leaving the area.
- The landowner must notify fire dispatch at the phone number provided on the valid burn permit at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the burn.
All permits will be void on known smog days, or days when the Township has issued a ban.
Your application will be reviewed within 10 days of submission.
If your fire does not meet the permit requirements, please contact the Municipal Office to inquire about a special permit. Permits are not required for recreational fires (i.e., campfires).
Paper applications are available at the Municipal Office, alternate formats are available upon request. Contact us for assistance from Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Fire Dept Admin is in the office Monday to Thursday), excluding holidays.
Requirements for all open-air burning are included on the burn permit application, and permit. By signing the application and permit, you acknowledge following terms and conditions (below):
REVOCATION: The Fire Chief reserves the right to revoke a permit at any time for failing to comply with the conditions and requirements outlined on the permit or the Township's Open Air Burning By-law. Where a Permit is revoked the property owner/applicant will be required to wait for at least 60 days before they can be considered for another Permit.
AGREEMENT: The property owner/applicant agrees to all conditions/requirements herein and to be responsible for any and all damages to their own property and any neighboring property and any other damage resulting from the burning of herein and to be responsible for any and all damages to their own property and any neighboring property and any other damage resulting from the burning of materials and agrees to hold the Township of South-West Oxford harmless from any damages.
LEGISLATION: The property owner/applicant shall comply with all Federal or Provincial enactments, laws, or regulations, or any other municipal law by setting a fire.
- It is the intention of this permit that smoke from your fire will stay on and above your own property. Smoke should not travel to a neighboring property to cause discomfort or loss of enjoyment, normal use of property, or normal conduction of business. Smoke must not travel across any public road.
- The fire shall be located at least 30 meters (98.4 feet) horizontally from any portion of a combustible structure, vegetation, combustible materials, and public utilities. Fire must be located at least 150 meters (492.1 feet) from any occupied building.
- The fire must be supervised at all times - NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Fires are not permitted between 1/2 hour after sunset and 1/2 hour before sunrise.
- All permits are suspended during periods of gusting or sustained wind speeds that exceed 20 kph, and when a smog advisory has been issued by Environment Canada.
- The person supervising the fire must have means to call the fire department (cell phone) while the fire is burning and have tools and water available and on-site to control the fire.
- No person shall set a fire on municipal property, including roadways and ditches.
- Complaints from neighbors or other contraventions of this Permit will result in immediate termination of this Permit.
- Only “Authorized Materials” prescribed below are permitted to be burned.
- Wood and wood by-products that have not been chemically treated, painted, or stained.
- White or brown paper and cardboard for the purpose of starting a fire.
- Dry brush, stumps, hay, straw, grass, or other dry yard or natural agricultural materials.
- Natural petroleum gases or liquids used as appliance fuels.
- Charcoal materials in a BBQ.
10. Burning of petroleum products such as roofing materials, tires, oil, rubber or plastics is strictly prohibited.
11. The fire must be fully extinguished and the burn site made safe at the completion of the burn.
12. Your application will be reviewed by the Fire Chief within 10 business days of your application.
No, as long as you comply with the requirements of the by-law. Fires must be at least 2 feet by 2 feet, with flames not to exceed 2 feet in height.
Yes, as long as they are dry. As per the By-law you can burn "other dry yard or natural agricultural materials".
You may require a special permit, please contact our office as we will require more information to process your application.
Stations and Recruitment
In 2016, following the advice of the Township's Fire Strategic Planning Steering Committee, the Township adopted the Fire and Emergency Services Strategic Plan.
Integrity — We are honest, trustworthy, and accountable. Honour guides our actions.
Teamwork — We each bring our own skills and experience, yet we recognize that we are better together. We support and depend on each other to achieve our goals.
Compassion — Caring is part of our job. We could not do what we do without deep and motivating empathy for those we serve.
Courage — We show fortitude and determination in a crisis.
Diversity — We respect the different identities, experiences, and perspectives of those that we work with and the community we serve.
The mission of the South-West Oxford Fire and Emergency Services is to save lives and protect property through emergency services, fire and rescue response, and fire prevention. We aim to be a leader in the development and delivery of fire and emergency services for the growth and well-being of our community.
South-West Oxford Fire and Emergency Services: a leader in responding to and preventing emergencies with a commitment to excellence and teamwork.
If you enjoy serving your community and are willing to dedicate the time required to successfully complete a mandatory training program, attend weekly training sessions, and respond frequently to emergencies within your response area; this could be your opportunity to make a difference in your community.
Thank you for your interest. Please be advised that volunteer fire fighter recruitment for the 2024-2025 class has closed. Please check back in Fall 2025 for updates and openings.
For more information, please contact the Fire Department.
Burns and Alarms Phone Line
For alarm testing, fire drills, hot works, and open-air burn permit activations please phone: (519) 842-2481. For active sounding alarms or incident-related issues that need to be dealt with immediately, please phone: (519) 842-3229. For emergencies, please call: 9-1-1.
- Spring and Summer Fire Safety Tips - Learn how to prevent a fire. It could save your life.
- Autumn Fire Safety Tips - Preventative tips for the season.
- Winter Fire Safety Tips - Preventative tips for the season.
- Home Escape Plan - It's time to create a step-by-step escape plan for your home today!
- Fire Extinguishers - How to utilize a fire extinguisher and the type you need for your home.
- Fireworks Safety - Consumer "family-style" fireworks safety.
- Carbon Monoxide - What is it? What do I need to know? How do I protect myself?
- Smoke Alarm Regulations - Make sure you have a smoke alarm. It's the law!
- Buying Smoke Alarms - Information on how to buy smoke alarms and where to put them.
- Maintaining Smoke Alarms - Tips for keeping your smoke alarm working and your family safe.
- Installing Smoke Alarms - Where to place your smoke alarms.
- Resources for Seniors - Helpful fire safety tips for seniors.
- Workplace - Learn about fire safety in your workplace.
- Farm Safety - Questions and answers to barn fires and fires in farm structures.
The South-West Oxford Fire and Emergency Services provide fire safety education to meet the needs of all citizens of South-West Oxford. Programs provide engaging and interactive education for all groups. Public fire safety educators work closely with local school boards, community groups, and various associations and are available and eager to make presentations to the community.
To request a Fire Safety Educator to present to your group, please fill out the Public Education Request Form.
The South-West Oxford Fire Department Fire Safety Inspection Program is intended to reduce the likelihood of fire occurrences and the impact of fire should one occur. A fire inspection identifies if a property owner is maintaining a fire safe property and reinforces fire safe behaviours, not just infractions of the Ontario Fire Code. Fire safety inspections are conducted by the Fire Chief in one of three ways: Request, Routine, or Complaint.
Request Inspection
If a person would like to have a fire safety inspection conducted at a property they own, they can request this in writing to the Fire Chief. The letter must state the owners name, property address, and the reason for inspection.
Complete the form to request an inspection here.
Routine Inspection
These inspections include targeted properties that house vulnerable sector residents, require licensing, or have a history of non-compliance.
Complaint Inspection
If a member of the public has reason to believe that a property within the Township of South-West Oxford does not comply with the Ontario Fire Code, or there are fire hazards at a property, they may file a complaint with Fire Chief Rob Serson.
Fire Facts
Fire is dark. Most people expect fire to be light. On the contrary, fire is pitch black. In most cases, smoke kills first, not flames. The poisonous gases emitted by a fire can actually put you into a deep sleep before you are overcome by flames. Installing a smoke alarm on each level of your home can give you the early warning you need to escape safely!
Fire has intense heat. Fire raises the temperature by several hundred degrees in just seconds. One breath can cause severe lung damage. Develop and practice a fire escape plan, complete with a meeting place outside. An escape plan can help you escape safely when seconds count!
- Fire is fast! In less than 30 seconds, a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire. It takes only minutes for thick black smoke to fill a house.
- Fire is hot! A fire's heat alone can kill. Room temperatures in a fire can be 100 degrees at floor level and rise to 600 degrees at eye level. Inhaling this super hot air will scorch your lungs.
- Fire is dark! Fire starts bright, but quickly produces smoke and complete darkness. If you wake up to a fire, you may be blinded, disoriented, and unable to find your way around the home you've lived in for years.
- Fire is deadly! Smoke and toxic gases kill more people than flames do. Fire uses up the oxygen you need and produces smoke and poisonous gases that kill.
A residential home can be totally consumed in flames in less than five minutes! There is no time - you need to know what to do.
Fire Strategic Planning
In 2015, the SWOX fire and emergency services introduced its strategic plan, alongside measures in pursuance with these goals. The strategic plan is both a roadmap for the South-West Oxford Fire and Emergency Services and a guide for identifying priorities so we can continue to deliver excellent fire rescue, fire prevention, and emergency services into the future.
The South-West Oxford Fire and Emergency Services encourages you to look through our strategic planning guide below for more information: