Budget and Finance
Finance Department Services
The Finance Department of the Township -of South-West Oxford has a primary responsibility to manage the Township's financial resources in an accountable and fiscally trustworthy manner. On top of the reception and expenditure of Township funds, the Finance Department maintains the Township's accounting and other financial records and is ultimately responsible for budget development, payroll and employee benefits administration, and year-end financial reporting. Financial advice to Council, to all Township Departments, to Committees of Council, and to Parks and Recreation Boards is provided by the Township Treasurer. The Finance Department provides various services including:
- Tax Collection Inquiries.
- Tax Certificates.
- Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable (including burn permits and property tax receipts).
- Township Budget Inquiries.
- Tax Rate Inquiries.
- Assessment Inquiries (including change in property class, Requests for Reconsideration, and assessment).
- Liaise with MPAC (www.mpac.ca).