As authorized by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Assessment Act, The Township of South-West Oxford is able to present this property information. The information present on this website is public information and is compliant with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). The owners of properties have been excluded to remain compliant with MFIPPA. The assessment roll is available for view in the Township Office.
The information is collected for property assessment interpretation purposes only. While the Township provides this information in good faith, it does not warrant covenant, or guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information and specifically excludes any commercial reasonable fitness or warranty. The Township does not assume responsibility nor accept any liability arising from any use other than assessment interpretation. The information is maintained on a yearly basis and reflects the contents of the assessment database as per the assessment roll as returned in December of the previous assessment year. It does not show supplementary billings, adjustments due to assessment changes or any other change affecting assessment value and/or taxes. It is not a statement of the current balance outstanding on an account. For a verified summary of property tax information, please contact the Township and request a Tax Certificate.
I understand that the following information is to be used for information use only and is considered complete and up-to-date to the best knowledge of the Township, however the Township does not warrant against errors, omissions, and/or discrepancies with other sources. I understand that I may contact the Township's Finance Department to discuss any concerns with my account.
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