Public Meeting: Urban Storm Water Management Financial Planning
In September 2022, Council was provided a report which brought forth a recommendation to council that staff continue to investigate the mechanics of Urban Storm Water Systems Operations and Financing Options for Council information during the 2023 budgetary deliberations. The report provided information to Council in regards to what other municipalities have undertaken in recent years to finance both the capital replacement and ongoing maintenance cost of urban storm water management systems. This is a financial model in follow up to Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure. Council approved $20,000.00 in the Township 2023 budget for this project.
Further, in May 2023, Council appointed rw2 Engineering to complete an assessment of the system operations and financing options for the urban storm drainage systems in the communities of Beachville, Brownsville, Mount Elgin, Salford and Sweaburg. At their meeting on July 9, 2024, Council was presented the findings of rw2 Engineer’s assessment, and Council directed staff to undertake public consultation with the affected residents prior to making recommendations to Council for storm water systems operations and findings.
The five settlement communities within the Township, Beachville, Brownsville, Mount Elgin, Salford and Sweaburg, have varying infrastructure and development potential. Mount Elgin has ongoing development, and the number of residential lots will increase over the next 10 years. Beachville has limited potential and there is one development proposal currently. South-West Oxford now has storm water management facilities (SWM) constructed by developers as new development occurs. These SWM facilities will have substantial maintenance costs in the future. At present, these future costs are not accounted for in the Township’s budget.
Storm water systems operate as a utility, much the same as water and sewer systems are, throughout most, if not all, municipalities. Council will consider a rate, to be set by by-law, and collected through taxation, that cover the maintenance and future replacement cost of storm water management systems in each urbanized settlement/hamlet area. As most systems are relatively new (unlike many other municipalities), their replacement is many years away, which affords many years to build capital replacement funds, at a more affordable rate per property.
It has been recommended by the Engineer that agricultural properties be fee exempt, as their municipal drainage is dealt with through the maintenance of existing municipal drains under the Drainage Act.
Have your Say - Public Consultation
Public Meeting
Date: Wednesday, September 18th, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m. (presentation at 6:30 p.m.)
Location: Mount Elgin Community Centre, 333204 Plank Line, Mt Elgin, ON N0J 1N0
Any person may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed urban storm water maintenance and financing options presented. Written comments with respect to the public meeting may be provided to the Township Clerk by contacting Julie Middleton, Clerk Township of South-West Oxford 312915 Dereham Line Mt. Elgin, ON N0J 1N0, or 519-485-0477 ext. 7023.
All information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (1990).
Related Information
Staff Reports: DD 07-2022, CAO 06-2023
Urban Storm Water System Operations and Financing Options – Report by rw2 Engineering