Public Meeting Notice: Public Meeting Notice B24-43-4 (Auvergne Farms Ltd.)
pursuant to Section 53(5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended
DATE: Thursday, August 22, 2024
FILE NO: B24-43-4 (Auvergne Farms Ltd.)'
The County of Oxford Land Division Committee has received an Application for Consent.
View the Public Meeting Notice
Purpose and Effect of Application for Consent:
The purpose of this application is to sever a vacant agricultural lot utilized for cash cropping purposes and being approximately 21.2 ha (52.4 ac) in area, while retaining an area approximately 4.7 ha (11.6 ac) currently utilized for agri-business purposes. The lot to be retained is currently utilized for maple syrup production, wholesaling and limited retailing. The lot to be retained contains an existing single-detached dwelling, a garden suite, and a number of buildings and structures associated with the agri-business use. No new development is proposed for the lot to be retained, and it will continue to be utilized for agri-business purposes (Jakeman’s Maple Syrup). No changes are proposed for the lot to be severed. Both the lot to be severed and the lot to be retained have frontage on Trillium Line, with the lot to be severed also having access on Curry Road.
The subject land is described as Lot 6, Concession 3, is located on the east side of Trillium Line, between Curry Road and Sweaburg Road, and is municipally known as 454414 Trillium Line, Township of South-West Oxford.
Public Meeting:
The Land Division Committee will consider the Application for Consent on:
Date: Thursday, September 5, 2024
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Place: Oxford County Administration Building, Council Chambers, 21 Reeve St, 1st Floor, Woodstock, ON N4S 3G1
OR Virtual public meeting via live stream
Have your Say:
The format of Land Division Committee meetings has changed to a hybrid meeting model. The public may attend the meeting in-person or may participate virtually, or by telephone. Public meetings and Council meetings may be viewed through a live stream feed at:, should you wish to view the meeting but not participate.
We welcome your comments and request they be submitted in writing to All written comments received will be provided for the Land Division Committee’s consideration. Comments received may become part of the public agenda. If you do not participate in the meeting, the Committee may proceed and make a decision with respect to this application in your absence.
If you would like to participate in the public hearing, please email the Land Division Committee Secretary-Treasurer at or call 519-539-9800, ext. x3202 by Monday, September 2, 2024. Please leave your name and phone number, as well as the application file number or address of the property you are calling about. Staff will return your call and provide participation options and details.
Please contact the Clerk’s Department if you require an alternate format or communication support with at least 7 days’ notice prior to the meeting, at 519-539-9800 ext 3910 or by e-mail at
Other Planning Act Applications: None
Please be advised that the Land Division Committee may approve, modify or refuse the requested Consent at the meeting. If you do not attend or are not represented at the meeting, the Committee may proceed and may not advise you of any proposed modifications.
Only the applicant, the Minister, a specified person or any public body may appeal decisions in respect of applications for consent to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
If the entities eligible to make an appeal of a decision of the Land Division Committee in respect of the proposed Consent do not provide written submissions or make oral submissions at a public meeting before the Land Division Committee gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Land Tribunal may dismiss all or part of the appeal.
If you have any questions regarding the above-noted application, please contact Spencer McDonald, Development Planner Community Planning Office (519-539-9800 ext. 3205). Written comments may be forwarded to
County of Oxford Land Division Committee
Community Planning Office
P.O. Box 1614, 21 Reeve Street
Woodstock, ON N4S 3G1
or emailed to Please include the applicant's name and our File Number on all
If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Land Division Committee in respect to the proposed application, you must make a written request to the Land Division Committee at the address noted below, or to