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Public Meeting Notice: A09-2024 (Lamers - 403257 Robinson Road)

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The Township of South-West Oxford Committee of Adjustment has received an application for Minor Variance or for permission from:

OWNER: Marty and Lorrie Lamers, 403257 Robinson Road, Ingersoll, ON, N5C 3J7

PROPERTY ADDRESS: 403257 Robinson Road

And will consider the application at a Public Hearing to be held:

Date: Tuesday, October 15th, 2024

Time: 6:35 p.m.

Place: Council Chamber – Municipal Office, 312915 Dereham Line, Mount Elgin, ON N0J 1N0

View and Print a Copy of the Public Hearing Notice

Council and staff continue to provide residents with the option to provide written comments via email to Comments may also be submitted in writing (mail or drop box to the Municipal Office) or over the phone by calling 519-485-0477 ext. 7023. All written and verbal comments received will be summarized out loud for the Committee of Adjustment’s consideration.  Comments received will become part of the public agenda.

If you would like to participate in the public meeting via web or teleconference, we ask that you please register your attendance ahead of time by calling the Municipal Office at 519-485-0477 ext. 7023 or contacting the Clerk’s office at by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, October 11th, 2024. You will be provided with details to participate electronically in the Committee of Adjustment Hearing on October 15th, 2024, at 6:35 p.m. when this application will be considered by the Committee.

Nature and Extent of Relief Applied for:

  1. Relief from Section 6.1, Table – Regulations for Accessory Uses, to increase the maximum permitted lot coverage of a building or structure accessory to a residential use from 150 m² (1,614 ft²) to 297 m2 (3,200 ft2) to facilitate the construction of a detached additional residential unit within a proposed residential accessory structure on the subject lands.

The subject property is legally described as PT LT 28 CON 1 WEST OXFORD AT IN 455079; SOUTH-WEST OXFORD in the Township of South-West Oxford and is municipally known as 403257 Robinson Road. A sketch plan showing the location of the property is attached.

Please note that the applicant or agent should be in attendance to support the application. If you do not attend or are not represented at this Hearing, the Committee may proceed in your absence, and you may not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings.

If you wish to be notified of the Decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of this application, you must submit a written request to the Committee of Adjustment. This will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing. Even if you are the successful party, you should request a copy of the decision since the Committee of Adjustment decision may be appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal by the applicant or another member of the public.

To appeal the decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal, send a letter to the Secretary-Treasurer for the Committee of Adjustment for the Township of South-West Oxford outlining the reasons for the appeal. You must enclose the appeal fee of $300 for each application appealed, paid by cheque, made payable to the Ontario Minister of Finance.

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